Fall 2021 Global Studies Electives List Available
Please refer to this when planning your Fall'21 schedule!
Greetings GLBL Majors!
As you are aware, the schedule of classes for Fall 2021 was published on Monday. Attached you will find a document wherein I have compiled a list of the courses offered in Fall 2021 that fulfil requirements of the Global Studies major. I have also noted the Instruction Mode for these courses (online, hybrid, or in-person) for schedule planning purposes, although please note instruction mode may be subject to change if social distancing requirements or classroom availability change.
As you are aware, the schedule of classes for Fall 2021 was published on Monday. Attached you will find a document wherein I have compiled a list of the courses offered in Fall 2021 that fulfil requirements of the Global Studies major. I have also noted the Instruction Mode for these courses (online, hybrid, or in-person) for schedule planning purposes, although please note instruction mode may be subject to change if social distancing requirements or classroom availability change.
Please refer to this list as well as the Course Index on the GLBL website when planning your Fall 2021 schedule to ensure you are registering for courses which will allow you to make progress in your major. For the earliest date and time you will be able to register for your courses, visit (https://registrar.umbc.edu/calendars/registration-appointments/). Receiving clearance prior to the date indicated will ensure that you will be allowed to register at the time specified. To receive clearance to register, please complete THIS FORM.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about registration or your Fall 2021 schedule.
Happy Registration!
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about registration or your Fall 2021 schedule.
Happy Registration!
Posted: March 31, 2021, 2:14 PM