Winter Session Registration is Now Open!
Register for a four week winter term class to get ahead!
Registration for Winter Term Courses is now open! You do not need clearance to register for winter term. This is an excellent opportunity to catch up or get ahead with a GEP that you need or a Tier II or Tier III elective for the GLBL major. A few Winter courses that meet GLBL Elective Requirements without prerequisites: MLL 305: Introduction to Intercultural Communication, MSC 230: Music of the World, and POLI 390: American Foreign Policy.
Courses are 4 weeks in duration and run: 1/03/22-1/28/22. Many online and hybrid courses are available! Check out more Winter term courses HERE
Courses are 4 weeks in duration and run: 1/03/22-1/28/22. Many online and hybrid courses are available! Check out more Winter term courses HERE
Posted: October 18, 2021, 10:11 AM