Miss the deadline for Summer Study Abroad? Still want to go?
Deadline extended for Faculty-led Study Abroad in the UK!
The deadline for this summer's faculty led study abroad program Social and Ethical Issues in Information Technology (CMSC 304) in England had been extended! The deadline to apply is now Monday, February 26th. Course prerequisites are waived for anyone who wants to participate (ENGL 100 prerequisite still applies). This course is open for students in all majors and will meet the Study Abroad/Global Experience requirement for GLBL majors, in addition to fulfilling an Arts and Humanities GEP, and providing three upper level credits! This is an excellent opportunity for GLBL majors interested in security, privacy rights, and international data flow. This course will provide insights into foreign laws and ethical considerations to broaden student perspectives on the global nature of computer science and information technology
Posted: February 22, 2024, 10:33 AM