6 Global Studies majors presenting at URCAD
Interested in the research of your Global Studies fellows?
We are happy to recognize the following Global Studies students who are having their research featured at this year's Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day. Visit the website to read more about their abstracts and find out when you can join them to ask questions about their presentation!
Aylin Ozturk (GLBL): Enduring Patterns of the Capitalist World-system: Class Struggle and Solidarity in the 2017 AT&T Strike
Gabi Salas (GLBL): Sterilization, the “Only” Form of Contraception for Chicana Women.
Kelly Wan (AMST): "Baltimore's Chinatown: Preserving Memory and a Conflicted Community."
Morgan Zepp (ENGL): "Environmental Integration: The Natural World and its Human Connections through Marquez and Murakami."
Mary Farrell (MLLI): "One Heart and One Soul? Popular Media as a Reflection and Narrativization of National Identity in 1970s Germany."
Jason Mascelli (POLI): "Can Local Governments and Nonprofits Affect Immigrant Settlement? A Review of Local Programs for Immigrant Homeownership."
Posted: April 13, 2018, 1:39 PM