GLBL Students interested in Faculty-Led Summer Study Abroad!
IES event GRIT GOING GLOBAL: Summer Abroad
Global Studies majors can meet their Study
Abroad requirement by attending a
UMBC Faculty-Led Summer Study Abroad program.
Want to learn more about this option? Come
to the Grit Going Global: Summer Abroad event
to learn about your faculty-led options, talk with Financial Aid and sample
some international food!
This event will take place on Wednesday, 14 November on the 7th floor of the Library from 11-2pm.
Faculty-led options for summer 2019 are:
· Biology and Spanish Language in Barcelona Spain
· Spanish Language Immersion in Colombia
· Cross-Cultural Psychology in Cuba
· Child Developmental Psychology in Granada, Spain
· American Literary Perspective in Paris, France
· Picturing Italian Art & Culture in Context in Rome, Italy
· Dylan Thomas Creative Writing Summer School in Lampeter, Wales
Study Abroad will also be giving out free t-shirts to students who speak to at least three faculty-led tables or attend any of the following mini info sessions:
· 12:00-12:20pm: Financial Aid
· 12:20-12:40pm: Gilman Scholarship Spotlight
· 12:40-1:00pm: Career Center
Hope to see you there!
Posted: November 8, 2018, 10:08 AM