Alternative Spring Break Applications Due Monday!
Nutritional Equity, Housing Access, & Community Empowerment
Looking for something different this Spring Break? This is a reminder that Alternative Spring Break (ASB)applications are due on Monday, November 25th.
ASB is a six-day immersive learning experience organized by the Center for Democracy and Civic Life. ASB '20 will take place from March 15-20, 2020. The program positions participants to think critically about social issues in Baltimore and supports them in developing skills in problem solving, community building, and storytelling.
ASB '20 topics are:
- Nutritional Equity (led by Tristen Griffith and Faith Davis)
- Housing Access and Homefulness (led by Ashley Amundsen and Chandler Jenkins)
- Creative Expression and Community Empowerment (led by Joshua Gray and Hager Younes)
Throughout the Spring Break week, group leaders and participants meet with and learn from community partners, government officials, and scholars to develop a sophisticated understanding of local resources and challenges and lay the groundwork for long-term collective civic action.
For more information, contact Pat Michael, Community Civic Engagement Intern, Center for Democracy and Civic Life:
Posted: November 22, 2019, 12:37 PM