Pass/Fail Grading Options for the Current Semester FAQ
Department Pass Fail policies and other policy questions
**Hi Retrievers,
The end of classes is nigh and finals are coming up! We want to take this time to remind you of all the policy options available to you for the Spring 2020 semester.
Students will have until June 10, 2020 (two weeks after grades are out) to make decisions about changing to a Pass Fail grading method or withdrawing (W) for a class. We know you have questions, so we summarized everything you need to know in this handy FAQ.
A few quick notes:
- Changing your grading option to a P/F or withdrawing from a class will be done through the Registrar's office. You will NOT need to submit a petition through the Academic Success Center.
- Changing your grading option to a P/F or withdrawing from a class (W) is considered final. Once you make the choice, you cannot change your mind. Before doing anything, we encourage you to talk to your advisor and a financial aid counselor to see how a change might impact you.
- A P cannot be used for ENGL 100.
This FAQ contains all of the pass/fail policies for each department at UMBC, including all departments under CAHSS, COEIT, and CNMS as well as the policies for the Erickson School of Aging Studies, the School of Social Work, Individualized Study, and Honors College.
If you are starting to think about either of these policies, please be sure to read the FAQ and consult with your advisor before making any decisions. There is still plenty of time to consider all of your options before June 10th.
In the meantime, do your best on finals! We're almost there!
Posted: May 12, 2020, 10:26 AM