How Digital Stories Build Transnational Communities Locally
GLBL 409-01/MLL 490's Dr. Lizarazo in the News!
Dr. Tania Lizarazo and her community based digital storytelling work are featured in June's Ideas on Fire, Imagine Otherwise podcast. Dr. Lizarazo's digital storytelling projects include Mujeres Pacíficas, a collaboration with Afro-Colombian women activists; Sexualidades Campesinas, a collaboration with LGBTQ members of farm working communities in California’s Central Valley, and three collaborations with immigrants in Baltimore: Moving Stories: Latinas in Baltimore; Intercultural Tales: Learning with Baltimore’s Immigrant Communities (with Thania Muñoz Davaslioglu); and Honest Conversations: Faith Community Dialogues on Immigration and Race (with Felipe Filomeno).
'What does it mean to value storytelling as a form of knowledge production? How can we develop collaborative research projects with the communities to which we are accountable? What transformative avenues emerge when we ask what people need rather than making assumptions?
In episode 91 of the Imagine Otherwise podcast, host Cathy Hannabach talks with professor Tania Lizarazo about how digital storytelling lets her build transnational community and accountability in deeply local spaces, the very different process of doing collaborative research that actively enriches the lives of everyone involved (not just the lives of scholars in the academy), and why being willing to listen and learn together in public is how Tania imagines otherwise.'
Click here to read the full article and listen to her interview on Imagine Otherwise! If you are interested in learning more about digital storytelling and Dr. Lizarazo's methods of project-based learning and collaborative research projects in examining the ways in which cultural identity is constructed through global media and the role of technology indefining humanness in an increasingly digital world, her class GLBL 409(01)/MLLI 490: I'm a Cyborg but that's OK is running this Fall semester Wednesdays 4.30-7pm- spaces still available, register today!
Posted: August 12, 2020, 12:32 PM