Spring Advanced Registration Advising Has Begun!
Please check your email for how to get cleared for Spring'21
The Spring 2021 Registration Advising and Clearance process will proceed online via form submission. Please complete and submit the following form: Global Studies Advising Form, I will review your proposed schedule and any other questions you may have, then address them via email or phone/webex chat to discuss your concerns further.It is required that ALL Global Majors complete the Google Form as the first part of their remote registration advising. Should you have trouble submitting your form, please contact me directly.
Please note all NEW Majors are required to meet with me via phone/webex in addition completing the GLBL Advising form.
Yesterday you received notice that the Spring Schedule of Classes is now available. As you are all quite familiar, GLBL has over 125 electives spread over 16 UMBC departments. Attached you will find a document wherein I have compiled a list of the courses offered in Spring 2021 which fulfil requirements of the Global Studies major. Refer to this list (as well as the Course Index on the GLBL website) when planning your Spring 2021 schedule to ensure you are registering for courses which will allow you to make progress in your major. For the earliest date and time you will be able to register for your courses, visit (https://registrar.umbc.edu/calendars/registration-appointments/). Receiving clearance prior to the date indicated will ensure that you will be allowed to register at the time specified. Again, you will be submitting your proposed Spring 2021 schedule for review in this Google Form.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions, I will be available via email and webex; should you wish to speak about your concern, please book a GLBL Advising Appointment with me (please CLICK HERE*), provide your phone number in your appointment reservation and I will call you at the scheduled time.
Posted: October 27, 2020, 12:58 PM