UMBC News & Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

UMBC Goes Medieval

UMBC Goes Medieval As a child, Lauren Bucca loved reading fictional books about medieval times.  As she got older, she devoured historical books on the period, exploring a world populated by...

Posted: March 15, 2012, 4:00 AM

KAL, UMBC Artist-in-Residence, on Kojo Nnamdi Show

Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, editorial cartoonist for The Economist and UMBC artist-in-residence, was featured on WAMU’s Kojo Nnamdi Show last week (interview begins 19 minutes in). KAL discussed his...

Posted: March 14, 2012, 9:16 PM

Picture Perfect: Monica Gallagher '01, Visual Arts

When asked to chronicle her life since college, illustrator Monica Gallagher did so in the way that meant most to her: in comic book form. Check out her essay from the Winter 2012 issue of UMBC...

Posted: March 14, 2012, 5:06 PM

Picture Perfect: Monica Gallagher ’01, Visual Arts

When asked to chronicle her life since college, illustrator Monica Gallagher did so in the way that meant most to her: in comic book form. Check out her essay from the Winter 2012 issue of UMBC...

Posted: March 14, 2012, 5:06 PM

Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, to Visit Serbia

Ellen Handler Spitz, honors college professor of visual arts, will visit Belgrade, Serbia over spring break to give a talk on her book “Art and Psyche.”  The book was recently translated to...

Posted: March 13, 2012, 6:39 PM

Blow Up: 1969 Battle Over UMBC's First Literary Magazine

How the 1969 battle over UMBC’s literary magazine licked off an era of discontent at the university. “Literary Magazine to Determine True University Status of UMBC” The headline in the February...

Posted: March 12, 2012, 5:05 PM