UMBC News & Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Celebrating True Commitment with The 1966 Society

UMBC honored members of The 1966 Society on September 19 — the 45th anniversary of the university’s opening day in 1966 — at a dinner hosted by president Freeman A. Hrabowski III celebrating the...

Posted: November 15, 2011, 4:18 PM

UMBC Researcher Proposes That Moon Dust is the Answer

According to NASA, for 40 years, what created the Moon’s ionosphere was a puzzle until Tim Stubbs an Assistant Research Scientist at UMBC working at the Goddard Space Flight Center published a...

Posted: November 15, 2011, 1:56 PM

UMBC Featured on 60 Minutes

After many months of filming on campus, “60 Minutes” featured UMBC on its program this past Sunday. What’s the bad news? It’s all too familiar: the United States continues to graduate too few...

Posted: November 14, 2011, 8:02 PM

CS Alumnus Helps Develop Apple's Newest Technology

If you were among the millions who bought the new iPhone 4S, then you can thank Dr. Harry Chen, the UMBC alumnus who helped develop the phone’s most notable new feature: Siri. For those not...

Posted: November 11, 2011, 2:21 PM

Mary Rivkin, Education, in Chevy Chase Patch

In an editorial in Chevy Chase Patch, Mary Rivkin, associate professor of education, argues the importance of environmental justice, community health and childhood development to the...

Posted: November 10, 2011, 7:00 PM

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun quoted UMBC’s Donald Norris, chair of public policy, today in its ongoing coverage of the Sen. Ulysses Currie corruption case. “The evidence does suggest that what he did, if not...

Posted: November 10, 2011, 4:54 PM

President Freeman Hrabowski on WBAL

The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education has unveiled a new program, “STEM Specialists in the Classroom,” designed to augment classroom instruction and inspire high school students to pursue...

Posted: November 9, 2011, 11:19 PM