UMBC News & Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Ka-che Yip, History, Awarded Grant

Ka-che Yip, professor of history, has been awarded a grant by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Beginning January 2012, Yip will be the co-investigator of the project, “A History of Diseases...

Posted: September 1, 2011, 3:58 PM

Constantine Vaporis, History, to Serve as Consultant

Constantine Vaporis, professor of history and director of Asian studies, has been asked to serve as a consultant on an exhibition on Japan at the National Geographic Museum in DC. The exhibit will...

Posted: September 1, 2011, 3:18 PM

Show Your UMBC Spirit!

The Homecoming Decorating Contests are back this year, and offices are encouraged to deck their spaces out in black and gold to share in the spirit of Homecoming! Departments registered by Friday,...

Posted: September 1, 2011, 2:05 PM

UMBC Professional Development Day 2011 (9/22)

What does it cost when you are tense or have trouble concentrating at work, are unsure about your ability to perform a task, feel overwhelmed about having too much to do or avoid having an honest...

Posted: September 1, 2011, 1:53 PM

Sean Carton '90 wins ClickZ Marketing Excellence Award

From ClickZ: “Sean has been recently appointed to develop the Center for Digital Communication, Commerce, and Culture at the University of Baltimore and is chief creative officer at idfive in...

Posted: September 1, 2011, 1:44 PM