
Plan to graduate next year? Haven't gone abroad? Take this:

GLBL 496 meets Study Abroad Requirement. Register today!

 There are still seats available in this Spring's GLBL 496: Global Experience Practicum. This 3 credit course focuses will meet in hybrid format Wednesday evenings from 4:30-7 and is perfect for...

Posted: January 18, 2023, 2:51 PM

Looking for Study Abroad Scholarships?

Boren Scholarship Applications Open until Jan 30, 2023

The Boren Scholarship for Study Abroad, an initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office, funds U.S. citizen undergraduates to study languages and cultures deemed...

Posted: December 14, 2022, 1:08 PM

Scholarship Opportunity Available for Summer Program @ ICPSR

ICPSR Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

Financial support available for training in statistics, quantitative methods, and data analysis Scholarships open December 5! The ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods offers more than...

Posted: November 10, 2022, 3:33 PM

GLBL Course Spotlight GLBL 409-Documentary Film as Activism

Special Topic, Upper Level Tier III Elective for GLBL Majors

Consider taking this special topic course next spring as an upper-level Tier III elective.  Taught by Zareen Taj, documentarian and visiting Global Studies program lecturer, this course will...

Posted: November 7, 2022, 10:40 AM

Spring 2023 Registration Happening Now

Book an advising appt. to get cleared to register today!

Advanced registration for spring 2023 has begun!  It is required that ALL Global Majors meet with me to obtain clearance to register for spring courses.  (CLICK HERE FOR APPOINTMENTS) For the...

Posted: November 7, 2022, 10:20 AM

Critical Language Scholarship Deadline: 15 November

Apply soon for intensive language learning abroad

Each summer, American undergraduate and graduate students can spend eight to ten weeks learning one of fourteen languages at an intensive study abroad institute through the Critical Language...

Posted: October 26, 2022, 3:54 PM

Attention: Add/Drop Ends Tomorrow, 14th September

Last day for schedule adjustments in Fall '22

If you are looking to drop or add any courses to your Fall 2022 schedule, please be sure to make any changes before Wednesday, 14 September. Courses dropped from your schedule after tomorrow will...

Posted: September 13, 2022, 4:00 PM

GLBL Welcomes New Visiting Lecturer Zareen Taj!

The Global Studies Program is welcoming a new visiting lecturer for AY 2022-23. Zareen Taj will be joining our team to help teach and mentor the GLBL cohort. She is a doctoral student in UMBC's...

Posted: August 5, 2022, 1:40 PM